Sunday, August 12, 2012


is what I am...

Fareed Zakaria has been suspended for Plagiarism..

For the past 2 years : Every Monday morning (now Wednesdays), I make it a point to religiously download the weekly edition of The Global Public Square and listen to Fareed and his guests take on American Foreign Policy, Economics, Politics, the works..
The allure of Fareed's show  is in the simplification, the articulation and the information. A simplification that could possibly have resulted only when an astute mind met deep expertise.Granted that the views sometimes are CNN colored, that the political views tilt evidently to that of lib dem's and the lingering effect of oversimplification to cater for the least common denominator is prevalent - however Fareed had your attention and one came out of the show with a host of information and perspective...

Over the past couple of years - he was someone I started to look up to and while that doesn't necessarily mean that I agreed with what he had to say all the time - I was impressed with his vast knowledge and information assimilation ability.

So this is a bit of the - catholic kid finding out about Santa Claus - moment for me! (Couldn't think of anything similar in the Iyengar world..)

Further, If we were to dissect Fareed's apology :

"Media reporters have pointed out that paragraphs in my Time column on gun control, a version of which was posted here on Facebook, bear close similarities to paragraphs in Jill Lepore's essay in the April 23rd issue of The New Yorker. They are right. I made a terrible mistake. It is a serious lapse and one that is entirely my fault. I apologize unreservedly to her, to my editors at Time and CNN, and to my readers and viewers everywhere."

He says - I made a terrible "mistake". The mistake here could only be one of two things :
- Plagiarizing the article without realizing..
- That he thought he could get away with it.

A Harvard and Yale graduate - Fareed is surely not naive to copy something without realizing he's doing so. And if it is indeed the latter - Did he underestimate the implications of his actions? or was he just smug ?

Eitherways, it's a fall from grace and while I will continue to retain my penchant for GPS, at the back of my mind I'll probably always wonder on the novelty of Fareed's words...

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